What is Lithium Battery

What is lithium battery?
Lithium battery is a type of battery technology that takes advantage of the special properties of lithium material. It differs from the ordinary battery in performance, as it has a higher energy density, which means that it can hold more energy in the same size.
Lithium-Ion battery
A lithium-ion battery is rechargeable as its cells have charge and discharge cycles of several thousand cycles. It also has a much lower self-discharge rate than other types of batteries, which contributes to improved battery life. It also has a high voltage.
Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery (LifePo4)
Lithium iron phosphate battery is the sub-type of lithium ion battery, it has a longer life, good electrochemical performance, and most importantly thermal stability to prevent combustion.
Therefore, this type of battery is the best in performance and the safest.
- Lithium batteries are used in the manufacture of electric cars, portable devices and mobiles due to their light weight.
- It is also used in solar energy systems because it allows for maximum benefit from energy storage through fast charging and a depth of discharge (DOD 80% to 95%)
- Lithium batteries are not affected by fast or slow discharge because they contain the best chemicals that do not affect memory.
- The lithium battery does not contain toxic liquids and does not produce gases harmful to the environment.
Tips and Advice:
- Ensure that the battery is new and has a full capacity and number of cycles
- Keep the battery away from heat as it drains and damages energy
- Completely discharging the lithium battery will damage it
The countries famous for manufacturing lithium batteries are in the first place China, then South Korea
Written By: Solar Point Energy Co. team