Increase Effectiveness of Solar Energy System

Some procedures that increase the effectiveness of solar energy systems
Have you ever thought about converting the energy in your homes to clean sources and faced some concerns about its effectiveness?
Using solar energy in homes is an effective option to reduce carbon emissions and save money on electricity bills.
Some simple procedures significantly increase the effectiveness of solar modules.
- It is important first to determine your energy needs that you want to obtain from solar panels. Do you want to completely dispense with the electrical grid or will you rely on solar panels to partially generate electricity? This entails multiple choices of the types of these panels and the areas you need of them.
- Good selection of the location of the solar panels and determining the required inclination angle, while ensuring that they are exposed to sufficient solar radiation for the longest possible time. This will increase the effectiveness of their production of electricity. It is important to avoid shading from trees or from neighboring buildings as much as possible, as the optimal location for installing the panels greatly affects their efficiency.
You can also invest in automatic solar panel tracking systems that allow the panels to follow the movement of the sun throughout the day to increase their exposure to sunlight and thus increase their electricity production.
- Cleaning photovoltaic panels regularly ensures that you get the most out of them, as the accumulation of dust, dirt, and pollutants limits the ability of these panels to absorb solar energy.
Cleaning panels is not a complicated process, but it should be done gently and carefully. Specialists recommend that this process have to be done at least twice a year.
- Solar panels do not require a lot of maintenance, but checking the integrity of the connections and solar cells on an annual basis by seeking the help of specialists will of course prolong their lifespan.
- Can energy be saved after sunset?
A question that comes to the minds of many people is: If you want to be completely satisfied with the solar energy system, you can use batteries to store the excess energy generated by the panels for later use when the sun sets.
What is the best place to put these batteries?
It is important that batteries placed in a safe place inside the house so that they are not exposed to high levels of heat and humidity. The place must be well ventilated and the batteries must be installed near the charger of solar energy system.
Written by: Solar Point Energy Co. team