Wattage Calculator Service

“Watt Calculator” service is one of many services provided by Solar Point Energy Company.
The service is unique, as it enables the individual to determine the capacity of the photovoltaic system suitable for his home, by selecting the electrical appliances to be operated on a daily basis, and automatically obtaining the following answers:
- What is the power of photovoltaic system for my home?
- What is the capacity of the solar inverter?
- How many PV panels are needed to connect to the system?
How to use a wattage calculator
First - you have to visit Solar Point website through the following link: https://www.solarpointsy.com/
Second - Choose the capacity of PV panel you want to purchase (you can choose any capacity available in the market)
Third - Choose the electrical appliances available in your home with quantity
The result will be automatically displayed below, and you can save it, print it, or send us in order to contact you and provide our offer.
Feel free to try it at any time, we hope you like it.
Solar Point Team